Tuesday, December 22, 2009

هستم ولی خستم

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I believe in knowledge and luck, facts and randomness, not God.
A doctor saved a mans life on an airplane.
The old man was lucky to have a doctor on the same plane.
The doctor had the knowledge to help the man...

Hopefully we will all have knowledge and luck around when we need them, specially on a plane!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Green "We were watching TV"- Nazli's Version

We were watching YT (YouTube), watching FB(Facebook)
In a random Square ,
Lost my baby there

My Persian rose ,In her bloodstained clothes

She was out fighting for her vote

On a warm summer evening in Tehran

She had a shiny hair ,She was the daughter of an engineer

Won't you shed a tear,For my Persian rose

My Persian rose ,In her bloodstained clothes

She had a perfect breasts,She had high hopes,She had almond eyes,She had ivory thighs,She was a student of philosophy

Won't you grieve with me? For my Persian Rose?

Iranians around the world
Do not forget do not forget,
The children who died for you

Did we do anything after this?
I've feeling we did
We were watching YT (YouTube),Watching FB (FaceBook),We were watching YT(YouTube),Watching
FB (FaceBook)

She wore a green bandanna that said:Freedom now

She thought the Great Wall of Lies

Would come tumbling down

She was a student,Her father was an engineer

Won't you shed a tear,For my Persian rose
My Persian rose,In her bloodstained clothes

Her father fought old Mohammad Reza Shah
That no-good low-down dirty rat

Who used to order his troops

To fire on his own people

Imagine that imagine that!

She's everybody's sister

She's a symbolic of our resistance

She's the one in seventy million

Who can help us to be free

Because she died on YT(YouTube)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

من خوشبخترینم