Sunday, July 30, 2006

Entry for July 30, 2006

از ماجراي عجيب سگي در شب
راه پيدا كردن اعداد اول خيلي ساده است اما هيچكس تا به حال نتوانسته است فرمول ساده ايي بسازد كه با آن بشود تشخيص داد آيا يك عدد خيلي بزرگ ، عدد اول است يا نه و يا بعد از آن چه نوع عددي است ٠ احتمالا براي تشخيص اول بودن يك عدد خيلي خيلي بزرگ بايد سالهاي بي شماري را صرف اين كار كنيم٠ من فكر مي كنم اعداد اول درست مثل زندگي هستند ٠ آنها خيلي منطقي هستند اما هيچ وقت نمي توانيد فرمولشان را كشف كنيد حتي اگر وقت خود را با فكر كردن به آنها سپري كنيد٠

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Entry for July 29, 2006

Imagine a cold winter night , the sky is red , traffic has died down ( you can still hear a few cars here and there) , then it starts snowing. It snows for a couple hours, you leave the house and walk outside. You can HEAR the snow. I miss the sound of snow falling...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Entry for July 17, 2006

The Germans kill the Jews
And the Jews kill the Arabs
And the Arabs kill the hostages
And that is the news
And is it any wonder that the monkey's confused...???

Friday, July 14, 2006

Entry for July 14, 2006

At the office where the papers (emails) grow
She takes a breakDrinks another coffee(tea)
And she finds it hard to stay awake
It's just another day,
Du Du Du Du Du Du

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Entry for July 12, 2006

Yesterday I was walking around in a department store and I passed by an old perfume I used to wear, I sprayed a little on my wrist and WOW!! I went back in time, there is NOTHING like a familiar scent with that kind of power ... ( well MUSIC has it too) I went back in time and I remembered the old Nazli , I miss the old Nazli, I miss her very much...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Entry for July 06, 2006

چه اهميت دارد گاه اگر ؟

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Entry for July 05, 2006

"Impressions" [of the sunrise] - Monet

What happens in life isn't really THAT important, it's the IMPRESSION that has meaning and value...
For one person the sunrise may be "just another day beginning" and for another it may mean color,life,love ,rebirth and ...
I love the impressionist painters.